
To Control Biennial And Perennial Weeds 

On October 08, 2018

To Control Biennial And Perennial Weeds 

Fall is an excellent time to manage biennial and perennial weeds. Extension Agronomist Dwight Lingenfelter explains biennials such as common burdock, wild carrot, and bull, musk, and plume less thistles are much easier to kill while they are in the rosette stage of growth and prior to surviving a winter. Once they start growth in the spring, they rapidly develop with the goal of reproducing and it becomes more difficult to control them. As you have heard many times before, late summer and fall is the best time to control most perennials with a systemic herbicide because herbicides are moved into the root systems allowing better control. In general, the application window runs from early September through October depending on where you are in the state and what weeds you are targeting. Applications to perennial species like horsenettle, smooth groundcherry, and woody species like multiflora rose should be on the early side of this window, while cool-season perennials like Canada thistle, quackgrass, and dandelion can be effectively controlled after several light frosts. With both biennial and perennials species, adequate leaf tissue must be present, and it should be reasonably healthy to absorb the herbicide. For grass pastures, check the 2017-18 Penn State Agronomy Guide Table 2.6-11 for specific herbicide performance by weed species information and a current product label for use recommendations and restrictions.

The most common herbicides used for broad-spectrum control of many weeds in the fall is glyphosate for grasses and broadleaves and 2,4-D or dicamba (Banvel, Clarity, etc.) for broadleaves. Other systemic products such as triclopyr (e.g., Crossbow, Candor, Crossroad, Remedy Ultra) or metsulfuron can be options as well. (However, be cautious of crop rotational restrictions with triclopyr and metsulfuron.) A combination of these products may be the best solution for a mixture of different perennial weeds. For most perennials including hemp dogbane, horsenettle, common milkweed, pokeweed, hedge bindweed, multiflora rose, poison ivy, and wild blackberry, make applications from September 1 through October 15 or before a hard frost. In general, applications by October 1 may be more effective. In northern areas of Pennsylvania, consider making the application before October 1. An additional two-week application window can exist for Canada thistle and quackgrass, because of their cool-season habit of growth.

Make sure that the foliage on the weeds appears relatively healthy and capable of absorbing the herbicide spray. Plants that have been damaged by insect feeding, drought, harvest equipment, frost, or autumn leaf senescence are not good candidates for fall applications. So, if that pokeweed you have been dealing with during season is still standing and the leaves and stems are not too tattered after harvest, then there is still a great chance to control it yet this fall. Make sure to use adequate herbicide rates, high spray volumes, and get good spray coverage over the plant for effective kill.

Favorable air temperatures should be a consideration immediately before, during, and after application. In general, the warmer the better, with daytime high temperatures in the mid 50s at a minimum. Cold nights and cool, cloudy days will reduce and slow the effectiveness of the applications. The more active the weeds are growing, the better the herbicide performance.

Additionally, fall is the best time to kill declining sod stands (i.e., pure stand alfalfa or mixtures).  Although glyphosate is better at controlling alfalfa in the fall than the spring, an additional herbicide application (e.g. 2,4-D/Banvel) or tillage will be required to completely control the alfalfa/mixture. Unless, you plan to get one last spring cutting, now is the time to control that old hay field; don’t wait until spring when it’s more difficult to get an effective burndown kill prior to planting.

To Monitor Palmer Amaranth And Waterhemp After Harvest

With the rapid progress of harvest (especially silage and alfalfa) in certain areas of the state it is still necessary to monitor the status of Palmer amaranth and waterhemp once the crop is removed. Extension Agronomist Dwight Lingenfelter explains if the plants are not cut low enough new shoots can develop at the nodes and produce viable seed yet this fall. Hopefully, no new Palmer germination flushes or much growth will occur in the coming weeks, but it still could happen if the weather stays mild. Palmer plants do not need to reach a few feet tall to develop a seed head. Even if a plant is less than a foot tall it can still set seeds. Consider applications of 2,4-D, dicamba, or Gramoxone if these weed species continue growing or start to germinate after harvest. Tillage can also be a means of control if possible.

On another note, if harvesting a field infested with Palmer or waterhemp, make sure to thoroughly clean the combine before moving to the next field or farm. Consider moving to a field that will be planted to corn next season since better herbicide options exist in that crop to control these weeds. If possible, it is best to harvest contaminated fields last in order to spend time this winter removing components and doing a comprehensive cleaning of the machine. Since the seeds are very small it is extremely difficult to remove them, but this is necessary to prevent spread.

Quote Of The Week: “Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” Lauren Destefano